Default Field Editor Views

Here is an overview of the default property views you can use out of the box. Some of these require additional configuration before they can be used correctly.


Renders a single checkbox

[UIOMaticField(Description = "Example checkbox property",
    View= UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.Checkbox)]
public bool CheckBox { get; set; }


Renders a list of checkboxes


The checkboxlist requires additional configuration.

[UIOMaticField(Description = "Example checkboxlist property", View = UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.CheckboxList)]
public string Checkboxlist { get; set; }

Content Picker

Renders a Umbraco content picker (will store the id of the selected content item)

[UIOMaticField(Description =  "Example content picker property",
    View = UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.PickerContent)]
public int ContentPicker { get; set; }


Renders a date picker

[UIOMaticField(Description =  "Example date property",
    View = UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.Date)]
public DateTime Date { get; set; }


Renders a datetime picker

[UIOMaticField(Description =  "Example datetime property",
    View = UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.DateTime)]
public DateTime DateTime { get; set; }

DateTime Offset

Renders a datetime picker and handles the offset behind the scenes. It doesn't allow to change the offset.

[UIOMaticField(Description =  "Example datetimeoffset property",
    View = UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.DateTimeOffset)]
public DateTimeOffset DateTimeOffset { get; set; }

DateTime Utc

Renders a utc datetime picker.

[UIOMaticField(Description =  "Example datetimeutc property",
    View = UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.DateTimeUtc)]
public DateTime DateTimeUtc { get; set; }

Renders a dropdown (usefull for foreign keys)

[UIOMaticField(Description =  "Example dropdown property",
    View = UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.Dropdown)]
public string Dropdown { get; set; }


The dropdown requires additional configuration.

Create optional cascading or filtered dropbox options


Renders a file picker (allows you to select a file from the media library, will store the path to the selected file).

[UIOMaticField("Description =  "Example file property",
    View = UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.File)]
public string File { get; set; }


Renders a list view (based on a foreign key)

    [UIOMaticField(View = UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.List,
        Config = "{'typeAlias': 'dog', 'foreignKeyColumn' : 'OwnerId', 'canEdit' : false}")]
    public IEnumerable<Dog> Dogs { get; set; }


The list requires additional configuration


Renders a label, so properties of this view will be readonly

[UIOMaticField(Description = "Example label property",
    View = UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.Label)]
public string Label { get; set; }


Renders a google map

[UIOMaticField(Description = "Example map property",
    View = UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.Map)]
public string Map { get; set; }


The map requires additional configuration.

Media Picker

Renders an Umbraco media picker (will store the id of the selected media item)

[UIOMaticField(Description = "Example media picker property",
    View = UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.PickerMedia)]
public int MediaPicker { get; set; }

Member Picker

Renders an Umbraco member picker (will store the id of the selected member)

[UIOMaticField(Description = "Example member picker property",
    View = UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.PickerMember)]
public int MemberPicker { get; set; }


Renders a number input

[UIOMaticField(Description = "Example number property",
    View = UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.Number)]
public int Number { get; set; }


Renders a password input

[UIOMaticField(Description = "Example password property",
    View = UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.Password)]
public string Password { get; set; }


Renders a group of radiobuttons

[UIOMaticField(Description = "Example radiobuttonlist property",
    View = UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.RadioButtonList)]
public string Radiobuttonlist { get; set; }


The radiobuttonlist requires additional configuration.

Richt Text Editor

Renders a richt text editor

[UIOMaticField(Description = "Rich Text Editor", 
    View = UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.Rte)]
    public string Rte { get; set; }


Renders a textarea

[UIOMaticField(Description = "Example textarea property",
    View = UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.Textarea)]
public string Textarea { get; set; }


Renders a text input

[UIOMaticField(Description = "Example textfield property",
    View = UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.Textfield)]
public string Textfield { get; set; }

User Picker

Renders a user picker

    [UIOMaticField(Description = "Example user picker", 
        View = UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.PickerUser)]
    public string UserPicker { get; set; }

Multiple User Picker

Renders a multiple user picker

    [UIOMaticField(Description = "Example multiple users picker", 
        View = UIOMatic.Constants.FieldEditors.PickerUsers)]
    public string UsersPicker { get; set; }