
UI-O-Matic also provides the option to display your objects in a listview (since the tree isn't the best choice when working with a lot of data).

UIOMatic Attribute RenderType Property

You can specify the render type on the UIOMatic attribute (by default this is set to Tree)

[UIOMatic("dogs", Dogs", "Dog", FolderIcon = "icon-users", RenderType = UIOMaticRenderType.List)]

Now you won't see the items in the tree anymore but in a list view

You can sort the listview by clicking on the table headers and the listview is also searchable.

Decorate properties with the UIOMaticListViewField attribute

As with the editor, in order for fields to be displayed in the list view, they must be decorated with the UIOMaticListViewField attribute


You can also specify additional parameters

There are a couple out of the box views you can use

Besides the out of the box ones you can also use a completely custom one

[UIOMaticListViewField(Name = "Location", View = "~/App_Plugins/Example/map.static.html")]

Adding a list view filter with the UIOMaticListViewFilter attribute

When listing a lot of items, you may want to have a way of seeing a sub-view of the list by a given property, for this you can use the UIOMaticListViewFilter attribute


You can also specify additional parameters

By simply applying this attribute to a field, a filter dropdown of all distinct values will be shown which will automatically filter when a selection is made.